Six months

The wee sister is now six months old and experimenting with her first solid food. So far I believe she's tried potato and broccoli. How different weaning is these days compared to when my lot were babies.

There's a gathering of the clan at lunchtime today. It's ages since we've all been in the same place at the same time. Maybe the six month old will be at the table so I've looked out the baby seat. In real life it is quite garish colours. I paid about £1:50 for it at the equipment/toy exchange. Such a great way to recycle stuff that isn't needed for terribly long. The 4.5 month old baby boy isn't quite ready to sit in a highchair but it really won't be long before this seat is in even greater demand.

Meanwhile I'm busy baking, cooking and sorting out the table. It's a beautiful early autumn day so I'm hoping there'll be a chance to go for a walk or sit in the garden at some point.

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