The accidental finding

By woodpeckers

The hills of Morvern, from Kentallen


When we lived in Duror, in the 1970s, the railway line to Ballachulish had only recently closed; the Ballachulish ferry still ran; and there certainly wasn't a hotel with a swimming pool in nearby Kentallen!

Today's three-generational activity was swimming in the hotel pool, which we'd never done before. We met at the Holly Tree hotel and, after a light lunch, my sisters Tanya and Kate, Kate's daughter Jezzie, and our mother all gave the pool a go. Apart from the many diving children, it was pleasant, though the jacuzzi and sauna were warmer. Kate even waded off into Loch Linnhe for a wild swim!

Afterwards we went back to our mother's for afternoon tea, then I went over to Kate's to hang out for a while. However, Tanya soon arrived to pick me up (she'd been over in Benderloch) because we had to get back to Duror through the roadwork barricades, which were back in place again, for one night only. We rushed, and reached the traffic lights at 6.47 pm, but found the convoy system already in operation, ahead of the 7pm start time. This time we were first in the queue...

I won't miss the convoys and having to catch the amnesty at 8, 9 or 10 pm. I'm more used to freedom. But I do hope that Kate and our mother will take up regular swimming at the Holly Tree, as a result of today's trial.

Back to Englandshire tomorrow. (Sad face).

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