Ambling Camera

By AmblingCamera

South Island Robin

The Mistress and I were lucky to have an hour on Motuara Island at the head of the Marlborough Sounds today. It's a natural wildlife reserve where rare and endangered native birds can roam without fear of predators.

Because of her broken ankle, the Mistress sat on a seat not far up, while the others tore to the top for the view. Her patience was rewarded with visits from Saddlebacks, Bell Birds, Yellow Crowned Kakariki, Fantails, and Kereru (Wood Pigeon). She was very happy with the results, and is giving you taster of one.

This is the South Island Robin. The male's plumage is a dark gray while the female is dark gray-brown. On both birds the throat and belly are considerably lighter, in the male a cream color. Usually they are found on the edges of the forest, and can often be found in the green belts of towns and cities. These birds are endemic to New Zealand. They are naturally tame and inquisitive toward humans and are therefore easily trained

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