Blip sorted

I had my blip sorted well before 7am this morning. That was just as well, as I didn't go out for the rest of the day - staying tied to the laptop and the desk writing away. I must have written about 5000 words, or perhaps more, today. It's probably been my most productive day, but then it needed to be. Equally, the more I do, and the more I think about it, the more I realise I don't know. This topic is endless.

Well, I finished Chapter 7, and got an idea for the concluding chapter, which I hope will not be too long. And made long lists of things that need to be sorted before Sunday night/Monday morning, when the manuscript goes off to the publishers. Without fail.

I hope I sleep tonight. Working until this time generally has an impact, but I've mainly done very well at not giving in to insomnia during this period of solid writing (now nearly two months). I'm so looking forward to Monday!

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