Taking photos of highly polished and reflective items is always a challenge - keeping yourself and other items out of the picture, and not overexposing any highlights. The latter being most likely with the light/dark areas here. You can tell I wasn't up to much of anything today... as ever!

I generally don't do posh, the main exception being tools for getting things done, which includes photo-gear in my reckoning. This cafetière is something I'd never have bought. It's been lying at the back of cupboards for so much of its life, that I've forgotten who gave it to me. The ground coffee I put in it, is probably three years beyond the "best by" date. Need to use it up, as throwing it out would be just to wasteful for someone with the "frugal" Scottish gene... I'm sure many would say "tight" would be a more appropriate word! Anyway, as part of the tidy up, "out with the old" etc., I'll clear out some of the things lurking in the kitchen cupboards.

Outside - a more seasonal cool has returned; grey overcast all day; and some light rain.

I'm glad to be finally going back to the work routine tomorrow. The forced fortnight break at this time of year, has always near driven me to madness. No whiskers to remove this year. The amount of grey last year was a shock, as I'm not that grey up-top... balding undoubtedly, but not much grey.

Must go and tinker with the bicycle, as the weather may be okay this week for my preferred mode of transport.

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