Arkensiel Photography

By arkensielphoto

Dougal's Anniversary

Well, here I am at last being back-blipped and on my special anniversary too! It is seven years today since my human Mummy ran over me in her car and broke my back in three places. Fortunately Giunio Bruto Cherubini (DVM DipECVN MRCVS) who is Head of Neurology and Neurosurgery at Dick White Referrals and his team were able to put me back together again. Apparently, it cost a small fortune, but my human Mummy said I was worth every penny.
Anyway, the humans went out early, to Addenbrookes hospital, where they go often. I wondered why we got an extra special breakfast and a bigger one than normal. Well, they did not come back all day until the evening and when they did my human Mummy looked strange, you can see her in the extra. It seems she has had her first cataract operation and she now looks a bit like Florence, but Florence was born that way; we did not go near her and we were not allowed to sit on her all evening. She sat in her chair with her eyes closed and went to bed early.

The temperature at GMT noon twenty-two degrees Celsius, and me and Florence (Dougal, it is Florence and I) as I said, me and Florence were stuck indoors all day although we were allowed out for an hour in the evening. She wanted me to pose, but I was being a bit difficult having been shut in all day and missing the lovely sunshine. I did forgive her as she gave us a very special tea as well as breakfast.

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