A time for everything

By turnx3

Monarch butterfly

Since it was another beautiful day, we decided to take a walk along the Ohio river from International Friendship Park to downtown, before going to Music Live at Lunch at Christ Church Cathedral. My blip of the Monarch butterfly was taken in Smale Riverfront Park along the way. The lunchtime concert today featured two members of Steel Away, playing steel drums, one playing a single treble pan, as they are called, and the other playing two lower pitched pans. They were excellent, and in between the pieces of music, talked a bit about the history of steel drums, and at the end invited everyone to go up and have a close look at the pans, and ask questions. It’s really interested how the steel drum has evolved to the instrument it is today. It’s quite remarkable to me how they can make a chromatically pitched instrument, covering a range of 2 1/2 octaves in the case of the treble pan we saw today, by beating out patterns on a 55 gallon industrial drum!

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