
By flavia13


A quiet day today.  Just went into Grange this morning to see the hairdressers.  Unfortunately I then discovered that my hairdresser was not in owing to a hospital appointment, but she'd forgotten to ring me.  Another hairdresser was happy to do my hair if I wanted - so of course I agreed.  It wasn't until she'd finished putting the colour on that I discovered she has a cold, at the snuffling stage too.  Wish I'd known as I would have forgotten the hair because it's only a couple of weeks before I go to York and I really don't want a horrible cold then and I always get full blow nasty ones!!!  Hey ho, that's life, just keep fingers crossed that neither myself nor Hubby gets one!!! 

Just been doing some sorting out of the photo files again and working out which ones, if any, I can put into to the GPS competitions (Grange & District Photographic Society) if any.  Not sure whether I will or not. It would be nice to get the feedback and how I could improve but I'm not really into competitions with national judges -  I just love taking photographs and want to improve.

This is an emergency blip - so another dahlia from the garden.  It's not too bad - still learning how to use the Lumix.  I've got so comfortable with my Nikon that it's good to be challenge with a different camera.

Hope you are all well.  Take care, thanks for popping in and see you all tomorrow.

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