
Up town to the Traverse for the next PP&P: Number One Fan. I thought it was starting out as a typical imported Glasgow farce but it was so much waaaay better than that. Terrifically amusing, tackling the menopause and misogyny; when the chained guy asked what was for tea, I ended myself. Wipes away tears.
On to meet the son and stroll to St Andrew Square where I bade him adieu. That’s a bade thing.
Later started Spotlight on the Troubles. Utterly terrifying viewing how the whole thing developed, knowing what was to come. The disappearance of the middle ground, the retreat into entrenched positions. Oh lumme. At least we don’t live in sectarian enclaves - well, I should clarify: our enclaves are based on wealth, not creed. That’s progressive, y’see.

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