
What would we do without volunteers?  Parkrun, for instance.  Since its inception there have been 149, 713 events in the UK in 659 locations around the country and 2,176,960 runners registered.  Every Saturday morning a free 5k run is organised and anyone can take part. 

At our event today we had runners aged 10 -80 years; 100 men and 64 women; runners with their dogs; runners pushing buggies; runners of all shapes and sizes; runners from different ethnic backgrounds; very fast runners and sedate walkers - everyone smiling and enjoying being out in the sunshine for 17 minutes or nearer the hour.  And this happens seamlessly every Saturday morning throughout the year, why?  Because of the volunteers who turn out to set up the course; marshal it; manage the start and the finish; cheer on the runners; time the runners; scan their barcodes; note the issues; put away the equipment; put the barcodes back in order; process and publish the results; thank the volunteers.

This is our team in action this morning, great job team!

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