Birthday boy

Seventeen! Blimey! That seems to have snuck up on me although I don't don't think anyone would plausibly argue that I couldn't have seen it coming. Still, it's a bit of a shock.

Abi went back to her mum's last night but Milly was around for Dan's birthday breakfast. I said I'd bring them both a coffee at a quarter to eight, which is Dan's usual wake up time, but I was pleasantly surprised when I came back downstairs a little later to find that Milly was busy blowing up balloons and spreading confetti on the dining table. So typical of her to make it special. 

And so we had breakfast, the three of us, and it was lovely. Dan opened the presents that were there for him with his usual charm when given anything, and we had a few laughs before it was time for him to head off to school. Milly and I stood in the door, waving him off as he ambled along the road to school, me with a lump in my throat.

-10.3 kgs
Reading: 'Are We Still Rolling?' by Phill Brown

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