
By MikeWest


I am enjoying the late resurgence in the meadow. I thought the flowers were done, but here are another variety of aster, this time pink. I would like to find out the proper names for each one, but the book I have is not clear enough to discern which are which.

The petals are quite translucent giving a nice backlit effect even though the light levels were low. I find I have to be careful with upward facing petals so as to not overexpose them and lose colour and texture.

I have really enjoyed playing with depth of field to highlight certain flowers and deciding where to place the elements in sharp focus within the frame.

In this example the flower in the top left and a second in the lower right are in focus, which forces the eye to move around the image and explore it. Although usual practice is to avoid distractions near edges, I think this is more successful than one flower centrally positioned.

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