Life, not as we see it.


Every village has one.

This anon person was rowing out to sea, sitting on a unsecured wooden stool, with the boat/dingy the wrong way round, and the rowing action as a push stroke instead of a pull.  He disappeared quite quickly so what do I  know?  Whatever floats your boat, eh?
We joined the throngs of merry tourists this morning with a 1 hourish motorsail from Salerno to much vaunted Positano.  Very picturesque,  see extra 1.   Also quite arty, see collage, extra 2.
The day included some climbing and a modicum of drinking, and now back in our hotel for dinner.  Looks like all they do is pizza or calzone however there's a fair number of cars arrived so perhaps it is good in the dough and tomatoes  stakes.
Planning a day by the pool tomorrow, depending on the forecast, currently

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