
Will I ever take an outside photograph again?!!! Not that I don't enjoy spending my evenings scouring the house for random objects to Blip......
I bought a new pilates mat this morning and had the most ridiculous conversation with the woman at the till. Well I say conversation but there wasn't much talking on my part.
"Oooh, that looks a bit like hard work to me"
"Oh I enjoy pilates! Decided to treat myself so I don't have to use the smelly ones in the gym"

So far so good.
"I might be wrong but I think it's just a question of what you're born with. I'm a couch potato and eat crisps and biscuits all day long. My resting pulse is 52 and my cholesterol is 4.5. I should be twenty stone but I'm not and I don't get any exercise. I might be wrong but I just can't see the point. No need for it. I just see things like this and wonder why people bother. Nice colour though"
Oh my God.
I couldn't think of a single response so just took my receipt - and my pointless new purchase - and left her to harangue the next customer!
And then I came home and ate chocolate and watched TV. I decided she was right, there is no point. No exercise and stuffing your face is definitely the way to go!!
I might take it back tomorrow. And buy a deep fat fryer instead.

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