
By Transitoire

Pays des rêves

Day didn't really start off perfectly, as I got told on entering my first classroom of the day at a very early hour that the teacher did not in fact need me! Cue an hour of doing not much in the staffroom when that could have been a very nice extra hour in bed/sorting my life out/not rushing about as much.

So today is the first working day of French schools after the New Year...and the number of times I have now been wished Bonne Année and been kissed on both cheeks is past counting. Quite nice though, makes you feel like you're really part of the community.

So my real lessons started with the sixième INTER and the troisième INTER. Not much too interesting to report bar they got tests handed back and we spoke about their exams in the summer. Oh, and there is a new girl in sixième INTER, which is always nice! I think she has a sister who is in cinquième as well; it's always nice to get new pupils!

After a quick trip home for lunch and to pick up my laptop, it was back in for my solo lesson with the troisième INTERs. Was really nice to have a chat about how their holidays were before getting straight back into the film...and was even nicer to see them start to understand and laugh at English play on words.


My favourite part of the day has to be the evening, where the girls and I went out for a meal. It seems like forever since we have all been together, even though it is only two weeks! The final one of our number arrived last night so it was just brilliant to have everyone together. So this picture is Claire, and the depth of focus is deliberate...I just liked the dreamy nature of it really. And Claire is beautiful of course, and hasn't been on blip for a while!

Words I learnt today:-
- Zone de départ - starting zone
- Zone d'arrivée - arrival zone
- Carte électronique - electronics board
- Capteur de contact - contact sensor
- Capteur infrarouge - infrared sensor
- Programmation - programming
- Rouler en autonomie - drive solo (autonomously)
- Tentative (essai) - attempt, try
- Temps imparti (donné) - time limit (given)
- Piles - batteries
- Roue - wheel
- Châssis - chassis
- Moteur - engine
- Performance - performance
- Parcours (chemin) - route (path)
- Rouler - roll, wheel
- Câble USB - USB cable
- Virage - bend, turn, shift
- Bloquer - to block
- Classement - classification
- Matériel - material
- Personnaliser- to customise
- Module de pilotage - control module (panel I assume?)
- Fonctionnement - function, workings
- Capteur ultrasons - ultrasonic sensor
- Identité visuelle - visual identity
- Largeur - width
- Longueur - length
- Hauteur - height
- Dimensions - dimensions
- Commander à distance - remote control
- Règlement - regulations
- Diaporama - slideshow

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