Dangerously Good - morsels and loaves

Arriving at a local restaurant in Italy we were given a plateful of small pieces of deep-fried sourdough bread to eat while we considered the menu. They were delicious and we decided this was something to try at home.  
I only remembered this as I was shaping the latest two sourdough loaves, so I chopped a piece off and left it to prove a little before taking our smallest pan, and adding a couple of decilitres of oil. Once the oil was hot I snipped up the pieces and dropped them in (extra).  It was really good, all too tasty a combination of carbohydrate and fat! Dangerously good!
In the time I’ve been baking sourdough bread I keep reading about using a longer proving time, a 48 hour bread. I’ve always smiled as I read about leaving the dough in the fridge for one or two days. This wouldn't work in our house as our fridge is always full; you’d be hard put to add another packet of butter, never mind a large plastic box! But now, in the autumn, the outdoor temperature is near-enough fridge temperature, so the box could just sit on the doorstep. So today’s sourdough started being constructed on Wednesday, and sat around 36 hours in the cold.  Delicious, the best so far, and now I know it works I’ve a few ideas to make it even better. Dangerous for the waist-line! Dangerously good indeed.

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