Today we did a one-day-roadtrip to Castilla-La Mancha and Murcia autonomous regions.

Our first stop was Ayna in Albacete in Castilla-La Mancha. We've beed there before, but the landscapes are well worth another visit. And it was a first for Niklas over there. Top row is from Ayna and right and middle picture of the middle row, as well as the right from the last row. We visited Mirador del Diablo (devil) and Mirador del Infierno (hell) and Carcabos dam where Rio Mundo runs.

Then we drove to Cenajo dam and reservoir on the border of Albacete and Murcia. Rest of the pictures are from that dam.

From there we drove to Reservoir of King Alfonso 13th. There was not any good places to stop (and it was 34°C) so we just enjoyed the views from the cool car.

On our way back we also visited Santomera dam and reservoir. They are still letting water run from the lake to River Segura. We could see that the water had been on the top of the dam. The water had brought lots of plant parts and sand on to the road on top of the dam. Impressive nature's force.

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