Waiting for the bus

Got packed up this morning and my sister, brother-in-law and niece came over with brunch ingredients mid-morning - my sister's idea, and very lovely it was too.  Rach cooked, we ate and chatted, and then I did some of the washing up (a rare occurrence!)

Rach gave me a lift to the bus stop, and after a bit of a wait I caught the bus to Bristol.  Had just under an hour to kill, so popped over the road to Debenhams for a while, then back to the bus station to catch the coach to Victoria.  Long journey, but I watched a couple of things on iPlayer, read a bit and listened to my music, so quite enjoyable really.

Caught the train home from Victoria and got back a little before 8pm.  Happy to see Tim again and to snuggle up on the sofa for what was left of the evening.

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