West Macdonnells Camping trip - Palm Valley

We drove out to Palm Valley, from Hermannsburg, in awe of the amazing scenery.
The Palms in Palm Valley are livistonia mariae.
We walked a two hour track, past these amazing palms; what an incredible sight.
Wikipedia - There are more than 3,000 cabbage palms in Palm Valley, many of which are several hundred years old and form a lush oasis among the rugged rocks and gorges. 
The drive from the Palm Valley campsite to the beginning of the Palms isn't for the faint hearted and is amongst the most challenging 4WDing I've ever done. I heaved a sigh of relief when we got back to the campsite safely. We didn't want to damage our hired 4WD!

We did a day walk in the afternoon, around the stunningly beautiful Kalarranga Track.

And there's a photo of our Palm Valley campsite in Extras.

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