
By KatesGardenPDX

Contrasts in the Garden

It felt very fall-like today - somewhat overcast, not too chilly by afternoon, and the fall colors expanding daily. I spent the afternoon with my grandchildren at my co-grandmother's house - always a complete joy! 

I wandered in the garden late this afternoon and found the tuberous begonias in the fullest bloom of the season, and this pink beauty posed beautifully for me. I particularly like the deep purple foliage. I dig these tubers up and store them overwinter in dry soil in my potting shed. In spring I pot them up and start them growing again. Very satisfying.

The extra is the contrast - Japanese Lanterns or Physalis alkekengi isn't really as dry as the orange one is on the plant. I harvested most of them already and hung them upside down to truly dry. They make terrific dried flower bouquets. But they tend to be rather invasive plants, so if you do decide to plant them, plant with care.

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