Capital adventures

By marchmont


If you look you can see a North bound train in this blip and that's why I'm here. 7 years seeing this village from a train made me determined to be here, and here I am.  

I took a circuitous route visiting Borders graveyards and actually managing to find the right stone. Some of them are very overgrown and unkempt with long wet grass. And one where I'd  been before is very sad now but I had a good chat with the women who is converting the church. Another church with close family links was beautiful, small but lovely, and a history that goes back to 1100.

And then a few stops over the border before my final destination and a fine walk before dinner. It is very peaceful.

Unfortunately I have no extras left and no Instagram

Edit: In the interests of accuracy my 10th Blip anniversary is not until about 29 December 2020, depending how you count leap days. Blip no longer count from the day you signed up and as I back blipped some pics from before that date the congratulations are a wee bit premature.

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