Not many..

...reasons to be cheerful today.

One small one might be the  unusual brown aubergines which are now ready to be eaten.   We had the first of them last night and one is my extra photo. 

The pepinos are also ready -  another exotic, the fruit of which has unusual markings (as in my main picture)  and which tastes sweet and fleshy. 

But no, not even those things make today better.   What an astonishing , shocking, heart breaking waste of potential,  achievement and money Brexit is . 

Not voted for by Scotland, rejected by the Scottish Parliament, disastrous for our economy and society and a negation of all that we should aspire to.  Yet Johnson is crowing in Brussels, behaving as if he has won a watch and purporting to speak for us.  

Not just depressing. - shameful and shaming. 

Not in my name, as I hope Saturday will show. 

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