Quod oculus meus videt

By GrahamColling

At the Water's Edge

21 consecutive days of rainfall in this part of the UK has had an impact on water levels.  I visited one of my favourites haunts this morning for a sunrise image, only to find the track to it flowing with water.  When I got to the pool it had expanded and to take this shot I was standing in at least a foot of water.  I was extremely careful not to step forward without checking that the footing was firm and that I didn't sink above the top of my wellingtons.

In the end the sunrise was a very brief blast of sunlight as the sun climbed behind clouds.  I preferred this shot of the pre sunrise sky, reflected in the pool.

After the Wales v France rugby match we headed out for a walk over Brocton Coppice.  I hadn't realised how many old oak trees were in this area and I'll certainly be returning in better lighting conditions to see if there are any worthwhile Images to be captured.

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