My Year in Pictures

By jenny


Backblipped 10th January

What another incredible day! Amazing speakers, so many hints, tips and suggestions, pages full of notes, brain full of ideas - just ace!

Feeling less like a tourist today as have figured out where I was going - just didn't get my timings right on my return back to Claire's!

From the venue it's a walk, tube, train then bus journey which, if you time it right (which I obviously did by fluke yesterday) takes about 75 minutes. So as we wrapped up for the day I thought hurrah! I'll be on the 7.40 train which means I should be back by 8.15ish rather than the 8.45 of the night before.

So rushed through Kings Cross (surreptitiously getting this and hoping no burly security guard would stop me - and replacing my travel card which my mobile phone had fried - what a silly design!) and got on the train.

Then when I arrived at the bus stop I had to wait 25 minutes for the bus and got back at 8.45!!!

I've already printed out the bus timetable which I will be taking with me tomorrow!

And doesn't anyone speak to anyone during their commute!

Other surreptitious train station blips

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