Ageing gracefully..

Got to the gym this morning, but no sign of Des. When he eventually showed, there were no bikes free to do the Sprint, so we had to wait. He said to Vic, she (me) is trying to kill me off, and if I die in the gym I will come back & haunt her. Oh dear, but it could even be me,although I hope not. Came straight home, and the only option for today's offering was the rose, yet again. I love the way the old rose is dying off but still looks beautiful in it's own way. I hope I can age as gracefully as the rose, although somehow I doubt that.  J went in the shower this afternoon, after I had had mine, and shouted, the water has gone cold. He had to get dressed quickly, and at first we thought it was  a problem with the gas central heating, but no,it was a power cut,. Luckily it wasn't off for long, and he has now gone back into a warm shower.

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