One of the "eggs"...

... I failed to mention.
I decided I was going to live.
Yesterday I slept. I mean ALL yesterday, except for the swift Blip-seconds. I then proceeded to sleep all night.
I mentioned, elsewhere, my intention to "break eggs with a stick" yesterday; this was rather euthanased.
Today I slightly made up for it by doing the shopping I forgot on Friday, a load of washing done and hung out, & started on an environment for the small collection of carnivorous plants.
This storage unit must have sat there for at least a decade, most of the time full of water. Having seen an expert's growing conditions I reckon I can modify this and also use a convenient sheet of glass for a "hood".
I gave up on some of it, but you can see the sort of stuff unearthed - even down to a "top-set" I don't know whether to chuck it in as metal, or see if the dentist recycles the alloy.
;¬) Vs. :¬O

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