Little Monkey.

Apart from my husband, we've all got chest infections at the moment.  Mind you the way Isabella was bouncing around you wouldn't have thought so.

But she did sit still to do her craft, at the shopping centre.  We were making aliens out of paper plates.  It involved a lot of glue, which Mia loved!  Then lots of colouring and sticking on googly eyes, sparkly things, pom-poms and glitter.

Isabella made a good job of hers, Mia was just happy slapping glue on it all.

Then a trip to the play park.  But we didn't stay out long, as nobody was really feeling well.

After I got home, we went out to pick up the mats, which look really good.  Then a quick trip to Bunnings, and finally home.

I needed a cup of tea.

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