with whole my heart.
Sometimes a good thing happens, partly because of your own doing and you feel hilarious and can't take your luck in. A great feeling. But after a day or so you start thinking: if a good thing can happen suddenly, is it then not true also that a bad thing can do the same? Vulnerable as one is, the happy feeling can recede into unsureness and melancholic mood.
I am glad even when that has happened to me today I recovered after a long cycle tour into the centre. I watched the swans, they have not that kind of worries I think.
In the afternoon Piet Hein and I walked along the beach, still in the crisp sunshine sky. And then, OMG, look so many gulls are flying up again and swirl and turn and this is such a miraculous phenomenon. To me at least. I can't remember seeing it before above the sea.
A kind of drunkeness in me, following them with my eyes and camera.
So here they are again, the amazing birds.
We saw a man undressing himself and nearing the water went in and out again.

My haiku:

I avoid human crowds
Preferably walk quiet paths
It is not what gulls do

And the latin proverb:

Loyalty is the holiest good in the human heart.

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