
BB complained that I had not got him up early enough, so he didn’t have enough time to get ready.  He seemed to be oblivious to the fact that he sat playing on his phone, while he should have been getting ready. Once he was off to school, I had to take the car back to the garage to get one of the tyres checked out – following their recent renewal.  Once I had dropped it off, I went for a wee walk, as I thought I would give my sore heel a rest from running.  It was then home for chores and then running a few errands.

BB was tired when he got home, probably because he didn’t go to bed early enough last night.  Later he had scouts – another evening of first aid, and this week he was a patient, as they were learning, among other things, how to put on slings!

At BB’s request we had a Chinese takeaway for a late tea.  A treat for him, while TT is away.

You can see Traprain Law through the rosehips.

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