Common Enchantments

By MaryElizaR


We are now in Sydney, Nebraska for the night.   This morning we looked at the weather where there was a big snow storm over the Denver, Colorado area moving east toward Kansas on a path that we would have to travel so we made a decision to take a longer route that would put us above the worst of the storm. So my meet up with blipper Wakarusa did not happen!   Maybe on the trip home!

 We did see some flurries but drove out of this into sunshine but bitterly cold temperatures just as the weather people predicted!   So the high today was 37F...and that was when we got up this morning!    It hovered  in the high 20s for most of the day and will get down to just plain cold tonight.  We have already gotten the fuel for tomorrow so that all we have to do is let the truck warm up and then get on the road for the last six hours of driving time.  

I did most of the driving this morning from Blue Springs, Kansas to York, Nebraska where we had lunch.  The thing about driving is I can't take photos (I HAVE but I did not this time!)   But I saw things...old barns, tracks of tractors in cut fields, dusty spots where farmers were in the fields, fall colors,  some flooded fields at the Missouri River that had snow geese on them (I REALLY wanted to turn around then!) and several murmurations of birds.  There are always drive by photos to be made!    Jerry would have taken the photos but he is so slow we would already have driven by before he got the camera up to his eye!    

Anyway,  this is my favorite photo that I did take out the truck window today in Nebraska.   Don't you just love a lone tree and a fence?!   I do!

Tomorrow we will be at a three night stop with minimal driving!  Yeah!   I really love to travel but for some reason this trip this time is not my thing. Maybe it is having to drive the big truck which is not my favorite thing to do. Not sleeping well.   My foot is not happy with riding all day long even though we do get out about every 2-3 hours to stretch and walk some.    Hopefully after tomorrow, I can get some real walking time in even if it is freezing cold and I am layered up!       I am not complaining as tomorrow is another day and we will be in the real mountains!!  

Thanks for any stars, hearts and comments.    

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