
By biddy

Almost November.

Quick blip photo today.
Seem to have been running behind all the time without much to show for it
One of our friends and her two and. half year old little girl, ( who is delightful!) came late afternoon and stayed to tea.
This involved her daughter rolling out the homemade pizza dough and adding different toppings, which she really enjoyed, albeit supervised obviously by her mum.
Then she added everyone else’s toppings.
8 minutes in the oven before being suitably demolished with salad and homemade bread with carrot cake for afters.
Before they arrived I went into the garden and took a quick photo of the last of the roses to flower.
Now the frosts have begun this week I will soon be cutting the rest of the blooms to bring into the house.
Meantime back in Westminster MP’s are about to vote again on an Election Date in December having passed the Election Bill second stage..........
So it will be Christmas Carols, Lights, Nativity Plays, and Oratorios mingled with the Political Party Broadcasts and campaigning!!
Feel like hibernating till it’s all over.......

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