A day of waiting.

After a very early start.
I dropped Stephen off at the hospital at 7.15 a.m.
There were a few others waiting in cars like us, till the nurse came out and called them in one by one.
I came home and then it was the waiting.
I’ve not long had a message from him at 4.00pm to say he was on the ward and the nurse had told him it had all gone according to plan.
It was such a relief.
I’d had an hour’s sleep after lunch then craved chocolate and cake!
Amazingly enough someone from our church community group has just popped by with this lovely bunch of flowers and a box of Belgian chocolates!
I will certainly be enjoying them this evening!
So thankful to the staff and the surgical team once again, for making this possible in these oh so different times.
And for friends and family who message and also pray. And those who have left lovely encouraging comments on my blips.
I’m going to have my tea now.
Homemade soup and bread followed by apple crumble! I suddenly feel hungry!
I’ll be behind with commenting for a few days.

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