It's Been A Long Time Comin'...It's Been A Long Ti

I had always imagined that I would move every few in the Rockies...down by the never occurred to me that I might live in the same house for, let's just say more than 25 years. Same house...same neighborhood...saying hello to the same people and watching young kids grow up and have families of their own...when it seems like only yesterday I was the young kid starting a family of my own. In the middle of Brooklyn, the 4th largest city in the country, I find I live in Mayberry RFD.

This blippic was taken this evening in a restaurant across from our home where I have been dining for years. Where these pipes rise from the basement, run up the wall in the corner just past our table. An attempt to hide them was made by working them into the mural on the wall. It occurred to me that if I took the photo close up, because of the color they could be just about anything but pipes. Thinking I was clever I showed them to my husband who immediately queried me. "Why'd you take a picture of some old pipes?" One woman's "anything" is another man's "old pipes". Oh well.

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