Jassie the Wonder Dog III

I have just worked out that I can do all of my Esplanade blips over again with Jassie in them. Cool!

Jassie had her vaccinations today so Jo suggested we take it easy on her. I suggested we take her to the waterfront while I look for a blip. Jo thought I wanted to blip Jas. It was a good idea.

By the time we got to do this photo Jas had had about enough. Note the tail between her legs. There was a fellow on a jetski in the creek trying to get the thing running which involved a lot of revving. Jassie didn't like it. That is what she is looking at.

Queensland is on cyclone watch. Tropical cyclone Hamish is off the the mid north coast. It isa big one but it is looking increasingly like it won't make landfall. Nevertheless it is a big weather system and it is making it very windy down this way. If it comes much further south we will have some heavy rain. It is unlikely to come down as far as Brisbane though.

SO Jas was getting a bit windswept this afternoon. I think she was enjoying all the smells on the breeze. Doggy sensory overload.

I am still sick. I went into college today to tie up a few loose ends. After that I went home and straight to bed. Hopefully I will be able to head in tomorrow to sit a Photoshop test. Piece of cake. I am seeing the doctor in the morning to see if there is anything else I can do for my ulcers. I think they are getting better, very slowly, but I am very keen to know what caused them.

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