Boomerang or Yoyo?

A very busy day with much toing and froing! First thing I started a sourdough, which I had timed to fit in with the other appointments i had today - or so I thought!  So a play for Oscar in the field and back to do the first fold of the sourdough. Back for lunch and then off to Acupuncture. back to do the second fold then off with Oscar to the vets to have his yearly jabs and healthcheck prior to his testicle release on the 13th! Why did I pick that date?!!
The vets took longer than I anticipated - the actual appointment and the waiting to be seen. As iIwas the only one in the waiting room I really didn't know what the wait was for and the receptionist ignored me after dealing with an elderly lady whose pet was due in for an op the next day. I was about to question my wait when i was called. The vet was a delight so that mollified me! She also gave oscar a clean bill of health! I am dreading the op and his 10 days of rest afterwards - he will go mad and so will I!
 I dcided to take him for a walk before setting home, as it was getting close to 5 and the hens bedtime I decided I would drive straight to the plot. 
The vets is in a tiny village down one lane roads, ther are a few old houses, a new section of houses and some very large properties! All around this lovely church. We walked round the church and down a lane, past fields with "Beware of the bull" signs. I looked in vain for the bull! There was a sign for a ford further ahead so as I love a ford we carried on. It was worthit - a ford in full flow! 
When I got to the plot I was dismayed to find that what the two previous openers had said they had done had not really been done! The wind had blown the lid off one of the bins sat night and the feeder and contents had got wet. The opener reported this to me sunday and said she had sprinkled pellets for them! I thought she had at least emptied the bin but not the feeder, so messaged the next mornings opener to do so  as I hadn't the time or energy to go up. Well he emptied and refilled the feeder - then left it in the bin, which was still full of water and wet contents! There were pellets all over the ground, the waste bin was full and the fence in one corner sagging. It was getting dark so I only had time to fix the fence and empty the container of soggy cardboard! So we obviously have two really  ineffectual coop members now! Once more I have to wonder how these people ever survive - if they can't look after hens how on earth do they hold down jobs, care for a family let alone themselves?!!! Plus why do they seem to think they just report things to me and I will go up and sort it? It's supposed to be a cooperative! I'm not seeing much cooperation! I may have to reissue the workings of the cooperative to all members before they drive me mad! 
I finally got home with Oscar to a well over proved loaf of bread! I gave it a gentle final fold and popped it in the fridge hoping it wouldn't deflate overnight! 

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