24 hours later ...

By Shelleylou

Thank Crunchie it's Friday ...

Mmmmm Crunchie ... just one?

Today has been nondescript ... I still can't quite get back into things after Christmas which seems like I some how missed it, a blink?

The housework fairies seem to be on strike ... damn them!

Here is little Miss F and little K holding hands, wow it was a challenge, I had to be quick ... 'he/she smells, I don't want to, do I have to? Nooo' They both said in chorus ... they love each other really, don't they? The reason for this picture is because it's meant to be 'a helping hand' which is what my new facebook group is called for people trying to lose weight/get fit. I've been working hard on it today and turning my hand to blogging, I can't get my head round it! It's a sure sign that modern living is taking over ... sign

No weigh in etc today, I shall do it weekly ... I wouldn't want to bore you ...

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