Life's Little Moments

By dbifulco

Emergency Threads

These old spools of thread on MIL’s sewing machine have become my go-to emergency photo of the day. When the sun has set and the critters have all gone off to sleep...well, there are always these spools of brightly colored thread. Add to that a phone, and you’ve got yourself a Blip.

It was a whirlwind of a day. Hubs left to take SIL to the hospital at 9 and I left for my appointment with the dentist shortly after. My work took longer than expected, and SIL’s surgery was the whole day kind of went sideways. SIL was still in surgery when I finally got to the hospital, but eventually gall bladder was successfully extricated and we were able to bring the patient home. She is now resting quietly in a comfy chair in the living room. The same chair Hubs recouped in after his gall bladder surgery many years ago. A chair that my parents gave us. Lots of history in that chair.

So I am signing off for the day. Doing some split pea soup in the instant pot, and calling it a day.


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