Dangerous Book Group in Dublin - day 2

It's been another busy day for the Dangerous Book Group members in Dublin this weekend.

We started with  a wonderful breakfast at Dollard & Co. Here I experienced French toast made with brioche for the first time - delicious!

Then we walked over to the National Library of Ireland's Listen Now Again exhibition about the life and work of Seamus Heaney at the Bank of Ireland's Cultural and Heritage Centre. The mixture of print, audio and visual exhibits was beautifully presented, and interpreted with just the right amount of contextual information about the life of Heaney and the history through which he lived. We were all rather moved by the later work of Heaney, and a couple of us left the exhibition a little teary (myself included). Winsford's blip for today captures three of us watching a film at the exhibition.

Next we popped over to the Chester Beatty collection. (No, we hadn't heard of it either until today...) My favourite exhibit was a series of paintings from the Mughal Court of the C16th. The section of the picture that I have blipped is entitled 'Solomon takes advice from the animals and the birds' by Dhanu.

After lunch we returned to literature with a wander around the newly-opened Museum of the Literature of Ireland (MoLI) with its lovely garden (blipped by Ridgeback13). Here we realised that we all need to retire NOW if we are ever to have time to appreciate even a small portion of the vast literature of Ireland. We also enjoyed talking to the very friendly staff in the museum. (We might have called into a charity shop along the way and made a couple of purchases...)

Our next 'official' appointment was cocktails at the Vintage Cocktail Club. Beforehand three of us broke off to visit the bog bodies at the national museum (rather ghoulish, I know - but at least these poor people are being shown a little more respect than was the case when their contemporaries murdered them). Meanwhile the others went shopping.

After cocktails we returned to the hotel for a quick turnaround, then a wonderful dinner out in a trendy, noisy restaurant twenty minutes up the road.

What a wonderful, fun-packed day (again!)

Exercise today: walking (24,688 steps)

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