Life's Little Moments

By dbifulco


Not everyone shares my love of our Blue Jays - some people find them loud and too aggressive. They certainly are loud, but they are also wonderfully entertaining and so amazingly smart.  Blue Jays aren't considered migratory, but they do tend to move about in the winter with some individuals moving further south while others stay put.  They are in the Corvidae family, related to crows and ravens, so their family bonds are strong.  

They do tend to scare the smaller birds off the feeders but not so much because they are bullies as because of their larger size and habit of arriving at the feeders at high speed.  They are probably the very best predator alarm a small bird could ask for - even the squirrels and chipmunks recognize the jays' distinctive predator calls and run for cover.  Of course, sometimes the jays do uncanny imitations of hawk calls, just to mess with all the little birds and rodents.  So, you could say that they have a sense of humor.  Anyway, I am a fan and always happy to see that flash of blue and hear that loud screech or soft brrrr.  

The light was kind of interesting on this shot so I decided to leave it alone other than a little crop.  

Slept late as I was up in the night with a tooth ache.  I'm taking tylenol and trying to ignore it.  Hubs and I went to the gym - day 4 for me this week.  

The news media is abuzz with the US impeachment hearings.  Even Aljazeera has it as their top story.  I feel as if I can't get away from it, so I'm going to stay off news apps the rest of the day.  

Friday, people...and already the middle of November.  


On Depression...I have read several interesting stories in the news recently about depression and its many forms.  A recent story I read had to do with SAD (Seasonal Affective Disorder) which affects many people in during the sort days of winter.  Although it is a temporary form of depression, it can be quite debilitating to those who suffer it.  If you or someone you know has SAD, you may find this article interesting.  .

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