Journey Through Time

By Sue

Varied Thrush (Ixoreus naevius)

This is taken through the window as this Varied Thrush was contemplating the water feature for a drink. It was a cold night and the other bird bath was frozen over. I saw him out there walking on the ice and then he saw the free flowing water so made the decision to come closer to the house. These guys are hard for me to get a good shot of them when I am outside as they are "flighty" and take off easily. This is a male, showing off his dark band on his breast. The female will have no band or a lighter one. These birds are most commonly found on the west coast from about the middle of California up into Alaska. In the summer American Robins, who are also in the thrush family, and Varied Thrush's will often be seen in the same area.

Another foggy cold morning giving way to cold sunshine, and it's supposed to be like this for most of this next week. I got auntie and I picked up my new shoes that were sent to her house (avoiding WA state tax) and I love my new shoes! Nobody locally had them for me to try on, so I took a deep breath and ordered them from Eddie Bauer as they were on sale with them. Clark's Wave Trek and I think they will be great shoes. I hope. I have feet issues, so I am crossing my fingers these will work out. So far so good.

We went to the library so I could get Janet Evanovich's latest book. That will be a quick read.

And that's about as exciting as it gets here today. Hope you are all having a great weekend. Catch ya later.

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