Aquamarine/Nanna K's Day

By NannaK

Inside day....

A weird day indeed. We were supposed to have the grandsons over here late afternoon and eve so parents can go out. I was looking forward to them. But I woke up with a "touch of the flu" that ravaged Fiona and Tatum's house this week. (I thought she was totally well thursday!) Stomach and chills - not terrible like they had, but I sure don't want to pass any germs around any more. Since H is fine, he took them out and went over to their house. So I have not been outside. Got out of bed at noon. It was another stunning clear but very cold day so I thought I'd take a blip from my roof deck. It was covered with a sheet of ice. So I think not. (the ice was an ok photo..)
I did manage to do a bit of work at the dining room table (warmer than my studio) so this is what you get. These are sketches for our local black and white newspaper that will go with some specific article. Since I have my new camera, it hasn't passed me by why am I doing all this freehand, the old fashioned way, when one can get a sketch from a camera or an app. I suppose it has something to do with the fact that all the freehand lines are not straight - a tiny bit of character. ? I do start with a general tracing from a photo on my brand new light panel that I couldn't pass up for half price as it has a scratch on it. :-) The border is bright pink and messed up the pix -one of the reasons for this B&W. Plus they ARE B&W!
My alone time today was more productive than I would have thought, but now it's back to the couch with blanket, fizz water and my book The Snow Child -which is a good one for today--very cold. Hope H is getting something to eat....

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