No Swimming

Not in this weather …………….. Brrrrrrrr
I couldn't resist another shot of the feather on the frozen pond.
PD was dropped off late (as he will be for the next couple of days) as his owners are away down south for work and he is staying with Humphrey's mum. 
It meant that I could take advantage of the morning sun before it melted the frost on the leaf edges (I liked it on the beech nut casings).
You could tell it was the first really cold night with the flurry of leaves falling from the trees every time a bird took off or a puff of air passed through them. This was the best short I could manage of the falling leaves.
I liked the sun clipping the tops of the birches - but not as much as the shaft hitting the gate.
(There are others)

SWMBO had a contact lens rip while she was wearing it a couple of nights back so she had an appointment at the optician's at lunchtime to make sure there wasn't any damage (or any bits left). Luckily everything is out and there is no scratching so after a course of eye washes and the such it should cause no problems on holiday.

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