Golden Rays

It's been a pretty non-stop day today, work this morning, a catch up over a hot chocolate in Hove with Joan, a quick visit to Tesco and then I had physio at 3.30pm at the marina.

In response to my email to the doctor's surgery, I had a call from one of the doctors to discuss what had happened on Thursday.  He was very nice, although he didn't give any reason as to why it had happened.  He did however,  confirm that he'd noted my allergy on my records to avoid this happening again.  He also did a referral for an x-ray on my elbow - I just need to work out when I can go and get that done though as I'm in work all day tomorrow and then it's my op on Wednesday.  

When I came out of the doctors, I stopped to take this photo from the top of Longridge Avenue, the light was amazing and it was only 3pm! 

I've had another productive cooking session tonight having made leek and potato soup, a chicken stir fry for tonight and Moroccan chicken for tomorrow night, with enough to freeze for while I'm incapacitated.   

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