Just Like That

A short Sunday walk and we came across this heron.  He's probably used to people by now as he didn't budge from his position.  Normally they take off at the slightest intrusion.

A quiet day ... with the MOOC of the moment.  The MOOCs distract me from two things -- 1) stress at work, and 2) stress from the court case far away.

You must be wondering about the number of MOOCs as I seem to be doing nothing else.  That is correct.  Since 2016, I have been paying for the certificates every time I take a course.  I could take them for free, but if I do that, I will lose access after a certain period, and I needed the certificates for work, so I have become used to paying for them.  Some of them have been reimbursed by the school, nice, but many others not as they're about other things like culture and history and literature.  Last April, the platform offered the price of 169 for a whole year, for as many courses as one would like, and a certificate for each one successfully completed.  In typical Dutch style, I made a not-so-difficult calculation after which I came up with a total of 20 MOOCs if I wanted to really get my money's worth.  Don't be mistaken -- I enjoy each and every course I'm taking.  I just didn't originally plan on taking so many.  Everything is working out fine, and I'm updated at work, so no pending stuff there either.  I would like to complete all 20 by the end of this month, which is a very doable objective, all things considered.  And I'm learning a lot as well, especially as many of the ones I'm taking now are connected to health and well-being.  Ambitious or wacky?  Both!

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