Hold me like you’ll never let me go

Tooli takes day trips with her charges at the weekend.

Her dad got a photo of the big ship thing .... HMS Prince of Wales cause he likes that sort of thing... but I like the things inside the HMS... :). So this was perfect for me.

I’ve had a lovely weekend - i got my flu jab; I had a nice bumble round the town; changed my library book.. got a hold of himself and did the shopping and some baking ...

Today. We took ourselves off to Glasgow- Countrylife Christmas. Lots of free gin samples for him and a lovely new scarf for me...

And Tooli has been in touch and all is good - she’s trying to determine her next move ... all the whilst trying to ensure she sees as much of the world while working!

Boy and Jess have not been good. Boy feel foul of food poisoning ... both ends for a good eight hours... Jessie went out for Gatorade and pringles to revive him. He was just getting there when the lurgy took Jess.

I did my bit by making Christmas cookies for her and singing along to Mariah Carey

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