Might as well face it

Another whimsy jigsaw...

We were so delighted by it.

So pretty. We started .... we did work ... we did a little more....

And by lunchtime we finished it.

We enjoyed it so much I broke it up, boxed it and took it upstairs for everyone to enjoy... and then when I took it out the box... I couldn’t find a whimsy

I scoured the floor... I retraced my steps... I searched the office. No sign.

My colleague looked too. We emptied my drawers. We turned the table upside down. We moved the sofa...

We looked everywhere. I even checked in my pants ... in my boots .... in my bra.

We left a bit sad ...

And then tonight Mo text me with this picture.... no pieces missing All done.

I’m thinking two pieces must be stuck together ... they must be!

Am a bit addicted

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