First Day of Advent

It’s not 2pm yet and I feel as if it should be tea time. That’s what I get for starting the day busting a gut at the gym long before dawn.
Dawn arrived eventually clothing the view from the Dower House in a white frosty mantle under a cold blue sky heralding another sub zero day.

There was some initial obligatory housekeeping which involved throwing out the flowers from my party 3 weeks ago -didn’t they do well!- before I retired to Söderberg clutching one of the vouchers given to me by my dear offspring. There was a hard choice to be made between toast, yogurt & granola or a Christmas bun. The bun won the day.

Now after a quick route march round the policies, I’m more than happy to sit with my hot water bottle and my book - Home Fire by Kamila Shamsie—- see, no knitting..... conquering addiction!!

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