Well Behaved Santas!

Well, I’m not sure HOW well behaved these Santas or Elves are! I’m sure they’re up to all sorts of mischief when the garden centre’s doors are closed. But usually when I walk through a display like this, one or more invariably jumps right into my shopping basket! (See yesterday’s blip and this one a few weeks ago). Today, however, I walked out empty handed! Maybe because I was in and out of this store in less than 5 minutes - I went in looking for something specific and they didn’t have it so I left with nothing more than a quick snap for my blip today. I DO love these Nordic Santas, but I probably don’t need any more in my house!

In other news - I had a super-busy day today which included a couple of errands and another Monday lunchtime pub visit just for a treat for ME!! (Last Monday) Is two weeks in a row enough for a new tradition?

This afternoon I went to see my Physical therapist and I was so happy to tell her that I had noticed on my flight back from Denver on Friday night that my foot - the one I had the cortisone injection in 3 weeks ago - was no longer hurting! I’d worked the whole flight without the normal agony! And over the last couple of days I would say that the arthritis in my toe seems to have improved about 95% - I only have occasional twinges. I had no idea that it might take three weeks for the cortisone to do its job. I’m thrilled and hope it lasts awhile. I’m also getting the new orthotics for my shoes in a couple of weeks so hopefully that will have added benefit. It sure feels good to not have the pain!

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