Golden Rain*

John went to class with me this morning having decided his back was sufficiently recovered to give it a try.  He has told me that he 'thinks in numbers' which perhaps explains why he has not  got much body/mind connection. He was bemoaning the fact that he was so 'out of shape'  and 'weak'  I pointed out that he could hardly expect to be on full form in the second class he has ever taken in his life. He is also a slow learner when it comes to realizing that he is no longer 21 years old! 

I dropped off a big Nespresso bag at the UPS store After we had coffee with our after class group. Bob told John the coffee would 'taste so much better after going to class.' Im airlines to agree with him on that point.  We generate one of these postage paid resealable bags full of used coffee pods about every four to six weeks, so it seems like a good idea to ship them back after all the coffee goodness has been extracted from them. Having deconstructed a few of them when the power was out in hopes of producing some drip coffee, we discovered that the coffee within them is too finely ground to produce anything but sludge in anything but a proper Nespresso coffee maker, but I would love to see the process by which they are recycled.

It is still raining, and delighted as I am to see it, driving through an 'atmospheric river' is. challenging. Dana and I were happy to learn that both Peter and Will made it safely back to school despite rain of epic proportions along the way. They'll be back in two weeks for their winter break. 

The quiet rainy days continue...I concocted a bean salad out of the leftover leftovers and jettisoned the dinner rolls which didn't quite rise, and which Dana called 'hockey pucks'. I have gotten pretty good at using leftovers, especially after having had to throw away so many open jars of condiments of dubious provenance during the power outages,  but there was no rescuing the hockey pucks, even toasted with butter.

I was torn today between going to the other side of town to get pillow forms to stuff in the finished pillowcases I made for some friends, or to Sonoma to get an Oive Toikka glass bird, but since I couldn't decide what to do I solved the problem by staying home and doing nothing. 

We saw 'Knives Out' yesterday. I highly recommend it, especially if you've decided to forsake Scorsese and 'The Irishman' for something a little lighter....

*Going to pick up Blake I passed this ginkgo tree.  Although I am not yet ready to start complaining about the rain, it was nice to see this leafy sunshine, enhanced momentarily by the real thing. The clouds have closed in  and it is raining again....

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