Life is a Challenge!

By Honeycombebeach

I love my dentist!

Between Christmas and New Year, I wasn't even eating anything hard, when I suddenly realised that a large chunk of filling had become dislodged - so a visit to the dentist was a must - but as he wasn't open until the New Year, I ate most things after that very gingerly!

Last week I had a temporary filling put in and was due to go back on the 7th February, but they had a cancellation for 9.00 a.m. today, so off I went to catch the bus, hoping they were running despite there being snow on the ground. I had to scrabble around to find £1.80 for the bus fare, as I have a Senior Citizen's card so am not used to paying - there have to be some benefits to being retired!!

My dentist is a lovely man, and he is ably assisted by his glamorous assistant, who just happens to be his wife. I was on the chair, tipped back, injection done and before I knew it, the filling was completed.

Thinking that not many people would have this sort of blip, I explained to him what I was doing and he very kindly gave me permission to take a photograph of the instruments he had used.

To some they may be instruments of torture, but not to me, and I can honestly say I love my dentist - he is so gentle and patient and always has time to explain what he is doing and answer any questions.

I wondered if there was a Bible passage that mentioned teeth - so tongue in cheek, if you will pardon the pun, I submit this to my fellow blippers:

In years to come, you will be burdened down with troubles and say, "I don't enjoy life anymore.".....

Your body will grow feeble, your teeth will decay and your eyesight fail.

Ecclesiastes 12 : 1 & 3

So - until that time comes, I will thank God for my wonderful dentist!!

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